Order Your Mineral Check Test Today
News and Blog Posts
Why gut testing and stool testing is not the only answer.
Imbalances in the gut have been linked to a range of physical and mental health issues, including obesity (1), cancer (2), dyslipidemia and insulin resistance (3), as well as anxiety and depression...
Boron: Lets find out more!
The fact that you’re reading this tells me you’re someone who values continuously learning and wants to feel your best. That’s why today I want to talk about something that very few...
Did you know about these hidden toxins in tattoos?
A tattoo often holds a great deal of symbolic significance, but most people don’t realise that tattoos also have significant health implications for those who get them. The process involves a...
Does Selenium hold the secret to longevity?
If I were to ask you if you want to live longer healthier lives, you would probably say ‘yes’. However, if I were to ask them what you thought would help with this, I doubt many would of you...
Three essential minerals for women’s health
There’s a long list of minerals that women need to pay attention to, but three stand out in particular. These are iron, calcium and zinc. Whilst everyone needs to consume enough iron to avoid...
What is hair mineral analysis
Welcome to my blog! The aim of my blog is to take complex research and turn it into concise, helpful information and suggestions for you, which you can then practically apply to improve...
With a turnaround time of just a week, you can be feeling better in no time.
Our test sample kit is really easy to use and takes just a few minutes.
Our results are clinically proven to be accurate and reliable.
Order Your Mineral Check Test Today